A word about connection
John Richardson
John Richardson
Guest column
Here’s what I know: this too shall pass, and we shall be stronger because of it.
How crazy life can be? For the last nine years I’ve owned the Black Mountain Ale House, and what a fun ride it has been. What started out as a nice place in Black Mountain to get a beer has turned into a fantastic restaurant and let me tell you… the stories along the way that I could tell!
Over the years I’ve fallen in love and gotten married, inherited a stepdaughter, and hosted and entertained thousands upon thousands of friends, old and new, as they have gathered around tables for food, drinks, and fellowship. The Ale House is a great place. The Ale House is my family.
Every day we seem to be waking up to a new reality. Yesterday I had to make the gut-wrenching decision to lay off almost 20 friends and co-workers who are also my employees. It was not a good day.
My wife tells me that I’m an eternal optimist, but I must admit that these last few days have been a test. I live my life from a perspective of abundance, meaning that I firmly believe that if we work together that there will be more than enough for everyone.
That is why today, in conversation with my general manager and chef, the Ale House has decided to pivot. Starting Thursday, March 19, we are going to a family-style format for the foreseeable future and we are not going to charge anyone.
What does this mean?
Well, it means that we are going to be offering one meal a day for drive up service from 4 - 7p.m. It’s going to be family-style. It is going to be fantastic. And it is going to be free.
I’ve told my three remaining employees to cook their little hearts out. Use their imagination. Have fun. Let’s throw a party and invite anyone that wants to come. We would specifically like to invite any folks that are elderly, families with children or service industry folks that have been impacted by what has happened.
If you're worried about food, we want you to know that we're here for you.
This is how we can make an impact. This is the little thing we can do that will make a difference.
What can you do?
Well, listen to the experts. Stay home. Check on the elderly, your neighbors, your friends. But stay put. Let’s beat this thing, and let’s get through it as quickly as possible.
How else can you make an impact? One way you can do that is by supporting PubCorps.
In March of 2019, I quit my corporate job to start a new project called PubCorps. It’s about connecting people, and one of the ways we can connect with people is through meal packing events where we package dried meals for those that are hungry in our communities. Then, we all have a drink together (specifically we like drinking PubCorps Pale Ale brewed by the fine folks at Canarchy; it’s a delicious Extra Hazy Pale Ale you might begin seeing around town once our bars and restaurants are allowed to re-open!) It’s a lot of fun.
In September PubCorps, along with some pretty strong corporate partners, reserved the Harrah’s Civic Center where we are planning to package meals for 1.2 Million hungry folks in Western North Carolina. It’s going to be a great party.
If you are looking for a way to make an impact, you can go to www.pubcorps.com and contribute to the IMPACT Fund. A hundred percent of your donation will go to the food that is being packed and distributed in WNC. It doesn’t go to overhead or operations or beer. It only goes to the food that helps feed hungry people. It’s a pretty sweet deal.
When people ask me about PubCorps, I always tell them that PubCorps is about connecting people. Right now, when the latest buzz words are “social distancing”, we can feel pretty disconnected.
But, as my mother tells me: this too shall pass.
It might get harder before it gets better, but it is going to get better. So take heart. Keep your head down. Practice the new habit of social distancing until it is safe again, but let’s plan on having a party sometime soon. Probably in September.
If you’re hungry, come by the Ale House and get something to eat. Tell all your friends.
This too shall pass, and we shall be stronger because of it.