History Explorers series to begin at Swannanoa Valley Museum

Socially distanced outdoor activity introduces children to local history and ecology

The Valley Echo
August 18, 2020

A new program debuting Saturday, Aug. 22 at the Swannanoa Valley Museum & History Center will introduce children to local history and ecology.

The first installment of the History Explorers series, a bi-weekly socially distanced outdoor activity, will take place from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. behind the Black Mountain United Methodist Church at 101 Church Street.

Children, ranging in age from kindergarten to fourth grade, will learn about historic artifacts, explore the life cycle of butterflies and create personalized quilt squares as they delve into a variety of topics about the history and legacy of the Swannanoa Valley. The series, which runs through mid-October, is $5 per person and free to museum members.

History Explorers is the first in-person program offered by SVM since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are very excited to be able to share these fun activities with kids in an open-air environment, so parents will have some options for in-person learning as the school year progresses this fall,” said museum director LeAnne Johnson.

Each program in the series will focus on a different theme, beginning this week with "History’s Mysteries: Ancient American Indian Artifacts and Cherokee Traditions.”

For more information on the History Explorers series, or to register your child, visit swannanoavalleymuseum.org/event.

LifestyleFred McCormick