Feedback sessions scheduled for Buncombe County Public Libraries
Meetings to allow community input regarding facilities master plan
The Valley Echo
July 12, 2021
The Black Mounty-Tyson Public Library will host feedback session on the proposed library facilities master plan on July 20. Photo by Fred McCormick
A series of feedback sessions, hosted by the Buncombe County Library Advisory Board and Buncombe County Communications and Public Engagement, will seek input from the community regarding the proposed library facilities master plan that was paused by county commissioners in June.
The original recommendation, which called for closing branches in Swannanoa and Black Mountain in favor of consolidating them into a modern, centrally located facility, was opposed by Black Mountain town leaders in May.
“We know that our libraries are true community hubs and our patrons are passionate about their local branches,” Library Director Jim Blanton said when announcing the 20 meetings scheduled through Oct. 7. “Our goal with the feedback sessions is to take the consultant’s recommendations and ideas out to the community to continue our public engagement process.”
During the feedback sessions, community members can voice their opinions on the proposed regional model and share information about the proposed plan that will be taken to the board of commissioners.
The Black Mountain Library will host a meeting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 20. The first session will be held at the Fairview Library, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Thursday, July 15. A virtual meeting will be held from 6 -7 p.m., Thursday, July 22, on Zoom.
The Broad River Community Center is scheduled to host a session at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 5, and the final scheduled meetings will take place at the same time, Thursday, Oct. 7, at the Bee Tree Fire Department in Swannanoa.
A complete schedule of Buncombe County Library Facilities Master Plan feedback sessions can be found on the Buncombe County website.
Upon the conclusion of the series, community input will be compiled and reported to the board of commissioners, according to the library advisory board.