Black Mountain Beautification Committee announces Community Improvement Award winners
Four recipients recognized for aesthetic enhancements
Jessica Klarp
Guest contributor
The Valley Echo
August 16, 2024
The Acoustic Corner is one of two Black Mountain-based businesses recognized with a Community Improvement Award from the Black Mountain Beautification Committee. Photo by Fred McCormick
Twice a year the Black Mountain Beautification Committee (BMBC) reaches out to the community to request nominations for the Community Improvement Award, which seeks to highlight business owners and residents who have taken pride in the curb appeal of their property, adding beauty to the community with landscaping and maintenance.
Winners are acknowledged with a decorative sign to display on their property, gift certificate to a local business, and public acknowledgement in local media. Proceeds for this award were raised at the Black Mountain Garden Show and Sale. This year the spring awards, which include two businesses and two private residences, were announced in July.
Criteria are based on new or ongoing improvements to a property to increase its curb appeal for areas viewed from the street or that the public can enjoy. Factors include a well-maintained, attractive property with pruned shrubs or trees, landscaped beds and mowed lawn; the property is litter free; buildings and fences are in good repair so as not to distract from the landscape; and incorporating sustainable practices.
To be eligible for the four potential awards, the residential or commercial property must be located in Black Mountain.
The Laundry Refillery and Essentials was nominated and won for the work they did to the building to clean up the exterior while maintaining the integrity of the building.
The Laundry Refillery and Essentials, which opened last March, was recognized by the Black Mountain Beautification Committee with a Community Improvement Award, recognizing businesses and residents for aesthetic enhancements. Photo by Fred McCormick
Acoustic Corner was nominated and selected for an award because they painted the exterior of the building, cleaned up the front and installed flower-filled containers, giving the entrance an inviting new look.
Laura Downing and her husband did extensive work to turn their property into a bountiful garden of edible landscaping, complete with grape vines, fig trees, vegetables and more.
Laura Downing’s edible garden, which features grape vines, fig trees, vegetables and more, is one of two private Black Mountain residences to receive a 2024 Community Improvement Award. Courtesy photo
Sally Webster transformed her front lawn on Connelly Street into a striking rose and pollinator garden with wandering paths throughout the garden.
A rose and pollinator garden created by Sally Webster is one of four recipients of the Black Mountain Beautification Committee’s Community Improvement Award. Courtesy photo
The nonprofit congratulates these properties and the community members who took the time to nominate them. BMBC seeks to encourage beauty in all forms. With over 90 active members who spread out across town cleaning up litter, decorating seasonally, maintaining greenspaces and assisting businesses to improve their natural spaces, the organization creates events to fund their efforts to maintain the natural appeal of this small town.
The all-volunteer organization has been working to keep Black Mountain beautiful since 2000.
For more information about BMBC or the Community Improvement Awards visit